The Science of


No refining, molecular distillation, purification, or esterification steps are utilized in making Pure Alaska Omega Wild Salmon Oil. This minimally processed “extra virgin” fish oil, compared to refined pale yellow fish oils, maintains a unique amber color along with fat-soluble vitamins, and has a pleasant salmon taste and smell.

Omega nutrition as nature intended; Pure Alaska Omega Wild Salmon Oil delivers all fatty acids from salmon to you in their natural triglyceride (nTG) state.

Fats in nature are found mainly in the natural triglyceride (nTG) form. Ethyl ester (EE) fish oil fats are made by a process known as refining.

EE fish oil creation starts by removing the natural glycerol fatty acid backbone in order to concentrate fatty acids (EPA & DHA Omega-3s most commonly). Ethanol-ethyl alcohol replaces the missing glycerol to attach the newly concentrated fatty acids back together.

Quality fish oil refining results in omega-3 concentrations of up to 85%, like our Pure Alaska Omega Clinical Strength Omega-3 product. Wild fish only contain about 25-30% omega-3s naturally so a concentrated EE fish oil is a great option if you do not eat seafood regularly.

Wild Alaskan salmon have provided natural triglyceride omega fatty acids to healthy diets for generations.

Which fish oil is right for you, nTG or EE?

We believe that eating oily fish is the best way to get your omega-3s. The next best way is taking Pure Alaska Omega.

Consumption of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids May Reduce the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease†. Other potential benefits include:

Supports healthy cognitive function‡

Supports normal visual development‡

Supports normal brain development‡

Supports heart health‡

Supports healthy triglyceride levels‡

Helps maintain healthy blood pressure‡

†Supportive, but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. [See supplement facts for total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol content.] ‡These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Designed with your heart in mind. One serving of Pure Alaska Omega daily delivers the same amount of omega-3 fatty acids as eating two portions of fish per week‡.

Scientific References